Wishful Wednesday: Rockstar

Many people may not realize this, but I started performing when I was in kindergarten. Just little skits at first, but when I was 7 I had my first "starring" role in which I also sang. That led to a life of choirs, solos and musical theater.

A friend once told me I had a good voice, but not one that you'd hear on the radio. Always one to step up to a challenge, I decided I wanted to form a band. That dream was short lived, however, when I realized I was a terrible songwriter. But my brief foray into rock stardom (plus my realization of my love of karaoke) made me discover another dream: to be a featured vocalist.

You've been to the concerts where someone from the supporting act comes out. Or, even better, a visiting celebrity guest. That's who I want to be. A surprise duet at a concert, or on an album. I've long said my creative skills are more in enhancing the skills of others, and this is absolutely true when it comes to singing. My blending skills are on point! 

So that's my wish. For people to want to sing with me. I already have a not too short list of people to fulfill this dream with. For some it could be as simple as well documented karaoke, but for others, I have big plans. Fun plans!

Wishful Wednesday: Don't Quote Me

When I woke up this morning and remembered today's topic, my head was filled with Skee-Lo. Which was entirely unhelpful, since I've never once wished for any of those things. (Has anyone ever wanted a rabbit in a hat with a bat? That sounds like the start of a terrible horror movie).  

As the day went on, 90s jibberish was replaced by Stevie Wonder and I was feeling much, much better about myself.

Although as I contemplated his lyrics, I decided that I don't want this day to be about longing for things I no longer or never had. Instead, I will focus on things I can change, either personally or professionally, pertaining to the show. 

I predict this being a difficult day. 

Maybe I should just write about how I wish I could be more self reflective.  

But that's too obvious. Instead, I'll write about another useful skill in which I've always been lacking. 


More specifically, remembering movies and television shows. It's odd, because my recollection of songs is pretty strong. But I'll watch a movie and have a hard time telling you anything specific that happened once it's over. And remembering lines? Forget it. I'll laugh, or be moved, and tell myself "that was good! You need to remember that!"

I never listen. 

Maybe it's because my attraction is to characters and not story. As an empathetic person, I recall the way people behave and how they treat each other with ease.  When I think of movies like The Cure I still remember the emotion I felt the first time I saw it, but I just had to look up the movie on IMDb to even remember what it was about, so obviously remembering any lines from it is out. 

I used to think it was because I hadn't seen movies as often as some people. And I'm sure that's true to some extent. But I had friends quoting Guardians of the Galaxy the weekend it came out. And while I remembered the lines after they said them, if put on the spot to throw out another, I would lose the game before it began. 

And I don't even try with movies I haven't seen in awhile. I saw a conversation with friends online where they were quoting Back to the Future and I felt ashamed to call myself a fan of the movie, I didn't remember any of that dialogue. 

Honestly, I don't get it. I like to think that dialogue is my forte when I'm writing. But I never remember anyone else's? Am I alone in this?

On the plus side, rewatching a movie or tv show can often be like seeing it again for the first time, which is often exciting. I felt like that while rewatching Heroes Season 3. Well, until I got to the second half of season 3 and remembered why I suppressed those memories...

So those of you with eidetic memories when it comes to this stuff, any advice for me? Am I too wrapped up in the emotion? Not paying enough attention? Or is my head just filled with a bunch of other random nonsense? Help me out here. I want to be better.