Foibles Friday: Less Than Dastardly

I used to be a planner.

I'd have great dreams about how things would happen, down to what I would say when it did and how people would respond.

The problem with those types of plans is that they depend on other parties to know their lines and blocking. Sadly for me, most people chose to improv in those situations, leaving me flabbergasted as to what to do next.

The result was I went the complete opposite way and stopped planning anything. You can't be disappointed when things don't go as planned when you don't have one, right? 

I make exceptions from time to time. Usually when I have to purchase flights or other people are involved. But otherwise, I take life one day at a time. Each day has enough troubles of its own, right?

The problem with that philosophy is it makes it really difficult to keep up with a project like this show. Planning is the only way to succeed. And don't get me wrong, I've tried. To-do lists, reminders, lots and lots of self-help articles online. Even this blog. I get into a rhythm for awhile, but eventually life gets in the way.

If I am being honest with myself, my aversion to planning goes hand in hand with my more-of-an-issue-than-i-care-to-admit fear of failure. I grew up with lots of high expectations placed on me, and when I retreated from being overwhelmed, I think I left a part of me when I came back out of hiding.

So, dear readers, what suggestions do you have for me? What helps you prioritize your time and get ahead of the game? I'm open to any and all suggestions at this point. I really do want to make this the best show I can, no matter what issues are thrown my way.